Effective SEO Solutions for Psychedelic Companies

7 min
Targets we’ve achieved:
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Sergii Steshenko
CEO & Co-Founder @ Lengreo

As contemporary research drives the growth of Lengreo, many companies in the industry compete for recognition in a rapidly expanding sector. Today, everything is becoming digital. For any company to succeed, establishing an online presence is crucial, which often means having a functional and attractive website. However, a website is only useful if it can be easily found.

Whether Lengreo is aiming to attract customers or secure funding for research, investors and potential clients must be able to find the website effortlessly. Consequently, SEO has become the most cost-effective method for Lengreo to build its online brand over time.

Several methods exist for generating traffic to a website, such as SEO, PPC, and social media ads. PPC and social media ads can draw traffic instantly, making them appealing. Despite their initial attractiveness, these methods do not provide a long-term strategy for business growth. Once the payments stop, so does the traffic, leaving the website no better off than before.

In contrast, SEO offers a sustainable way to increase organic traffic over time. SEO involves optimizing the website for search engines like Google. Although it may take several months to see results, SEO enhances the website’s credibility and ranking in search results. Higher search rankings make it easier for people to find the site and convert into paying customers or investors.

The complex nature of SEO makes it challenging to achieve a high ranking on Google. To avoid wasting time and resources, many companies, including Lengreo, consider hiring an SEO agency to manage their SEO strategy, ensuring significant results and business growth.


Why SEO is Crucial for Psychedelic Companies

SEO is crucial for any business aiming to break into the market and achieve high rankings on Google. Over the past decade, the way people shop and discover services has significantly transformed. Consumers now use the internet more than ever to purchase goods, learn new skills, and find services, with the pandemic accelerating these trends. Business owners must consider this shift when optimizing their websites.

A useful website attracts the right audience, referred to as ‘high converting traffic.’ With proper SEO research and application, a website can streamline lead generation by drawing in individuals searching for psychedelic companies, products, and services. An optimized site can generate this high converting traffic, increasing the likelihood of turning visitors into paying customers.

Moreover, SEO is the most cost-effective digital marketing technique compared to methods like PPC advertisements, as it offers a long-term strategy for sustainable growth. Even if SEO efforts are halted in the future, the website will continue to benefit from high search rankings.

Additionally, SEO for psychedelic companies enhances a site’s credibility. Google holds certain websites to high standards to prevent misinformation, particularly those related to wellness and other critical areas affecting happiness, health, financial stability, or safety.

Therefore, using SEO techniques is essential to position your business as an authoritative, trustworthy, and expert source. Demonstrating to Google that your site is credible requires significant effort and expertise. SEO professionals analyze search data to understand audience intent and devise the best strategy. They optimize existing pages and create new content to target relevant keywords and boost organic traffic. In this way, SEO ensures longevity and security, helping your site rank high in search results and simplifying lead generation.


Analyzing Search Demand for Legal Psychedelics

Lengreo utilizes advanced SEO tools to monitor Google search data and assess the demand for various keywords. For example, data reveals a significant global search volume for ‘types of psychedelics.’ The provided images indicate a steady interest in this keyword over the past five years. Specifically, the data shows that approximately 700 searches per month originate from the United States alone, with additional interest from Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India. This trend highlights a strong and growing demand for information on different types of psychedelics worldwide.

The keyword ‘types of psychedelics’ has a keyword difficulty of 73, categorized as super hard, which indicates high competition. The search volume is 700, with a traffic potential of 4.4K. The global search volume is 1K, with the majority of searches coming from the United States (70%), followed by Canada (5%), the United Kingdom (5%), Australia (2%), India (2%), and South Africa (1%). This data suggests a notable and expanding interest in psychedelics, underlining the importance of targeted SEO strategies to capture this traffic effectively.

Assessing search demand over time provides further insights into industry trends. Google Trends data illustrates the increasing interest in ‘legal psychedelics’ over the past five years. This upward trend signifies that as more people seek information on this topic, it becomes crucial for Lengreo to capture this rising interest, thereby driving more traffic to their site.

However, with the rising search demand comes increased competition for these keywords, which also drives up the cost of pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements. This underscores why SEO is an essential tool for sustainable growth. SEO not only enhances long-term visibility but also offers a cost-effective method to boost organic traffic and achieve higher returns on investment (ROI).


Common Search Terms to Find Psychedelic Companies

Keyword research is the backbone of a strong SEO strategy. It uncovers what your audience is searching for, how they search, and the best phrases for your growth plan. An SEO specialist analyzes the demand for various keywords and integrates the most effective ones to enhance your website, attracting valuable organic traffic.

When people look for psychedelic companies, they use a variety of search terms. Some of the most common ones include queries about psychedelics in general, their legality, specific regional information, and common questions about their nature and effects.


For example, high-demand keywords might include general terms like “psychedelics” and “legal psychedelics,” which are frequently searched both locally and globally. Specific regional queries such as “California psychedelics” or “Oregon psychedelics” reflect localized interest and legal inquiries. Common questions range from “What are psychedelics?” to “How do psychedelics work?” These queries highlight the public’s curiosity and the need for reliable information.

Utilizing these keywords effectively can guide the optimization of your website and content. By focusing on these high-demand and specific terms, your psychedelic company can achieve better visibility, attract a more targeted audience, and drive increased traffic to your site.


Effective SEO Strategies for Psychedelic Companies

Effective SEO strategies can significantly enhance website traffic and organic search visibility for psychedelic companies. Implementing these strategies helps businesses in the industry gain substantial benefits, including cost savings on advertising and increased customer reach.

A key element of successful SEO for psychedelic companies is local SEO, which ensures high rankings for geographically relevant keywords such as ‘psychedelic therapy near me’ or ‘psychedelic therapy [city name]’. This approach drives significant local traffic and enhances visibility within specific regions, crucial for attracting nearby customers.

Targeting high-value keywords is another vital strategy. Keywords related to psychedelic therapies and treatments, such as ‘psilocybin therapy’ and ‘psilocybin treatment,’ help educate the audience and promote services effectively. These keywords not only attract organic traffic but also position the website as an authoritative source of information.

The value of organic traffic generated through effective SEO can be substantial. High rankings on search engines can save businesses thousands of dollars in advertising costs each month, highlighting the cost-efficiency of SEO compared to paid advertising methods like PPC.

An experienced SEO agency plays a crucial role in this process. By conducting thorough keyword research and optimizing both existing and new pages, an agency ensures that a site ranks for numerous relevant keywords. This comprehensive approach is essential for establishing a site as a trustworthy and authoritative source in the psychedelics industry.

Effective SEO strategies encompass local SEO, targeted keyword optimization, and the expertise of SEO professionals. These strategies are pivotal for boosting organic traffic, enhancing visibility, and achieving long-term growth for psychedelic companies.


Enhancing Local Visibility for Psychedelic Services

Local SEO is an invaluable strategy for targeting clients within a specific geographic area. For psychedelic companies offering in-person therapies and other related services, local SEO is crucial. When prospective clients search for psychedelic therapy in their vicinity, Google prioritizes local businesses that clearly offer these services. This approach enhances lead generation by directly reaching those who can benefit from your services in person, thus improving your conversion rate.


How Lengreo Enhances Your Google Rankings

Lengreo has extensive experience across various industries, helping clients reach the first page of Google search results. Our team crafts unique strategies to scale your digital presence and boost your ROI. We’ve worked with numerous wellness brands and understand how to navigate Google’s stringent algorithms to optimize your site effectively.

Here are some techniques we use to improve your website’s Google rankings and direct relevant organic traffic to your psychedelic company:

  • Building Authoritative Backlinks: We organize links from well-respected wellness websites within your industry to link back to your site.
  • Creating Optimized Content: We develop content that maximizes the number of keywords your website targets.
  • Page Optimization: We evaluate and optimize your existing pages to comply with Google’s regulations and best practices.
  • Developing New Pages: We create new pages to educate your audience about the industry and your services.

A well-executed SEO strategy can significantly boost and sustain your website’s organic traffic over time.

Lengreo houses SEO experts with diverse backgrounds. Together, we leverage our digital marketing expertise to deliver exceptional results for your website. Book a free discovery call to explore how SEO can grow your website and elevate your business.


Connect with Our Lengreo’s Specialists

We have a proven track record of partnering with over 100 businesses to improve their online presence. Book a consultation now to explore how our expertise can help elevate your brand and drive growth.