Comprehensive SEO Solutions for Fitness Centers and Gyms

6 min
Targets we’ve achieved:
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Max Mykal
Co-Founder @ Lengreo

When you decide to embark on a new fitness journey, choosing the right gym is crucial. While some might think buying new workout gear is the first step, selecting the right fitness center is actually more important. With so many options available, finding a gym that meets all your needs and keeps you motivated can be quite challenging.

Gym owners face a tough market with significant competition. Standing out and attracting potential members can be difficult. According to the 2021 Gym Industry Global Analysis, there were 7,239 gyms in the UK in 2019, with one in seven people being gym members. In the US, there are around 41,370 gym facilities, with one in four Americans attending a gym, contributing to an industry revenue of about $35 billion annually.

Worldwide, the fitness and health club industry includes over 210,000 gyms, generating billions in revenue each year. With such an extensive array of health clubs globally, fitness businesses need to excel in visibility to attract potential members. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through SEO. Professional search engine optimization significantly enhances a gym’s online presence, increases brand awareness, attracts new members, and strengthens the fitness club’s reputation.

Although SEO takes longer to show results compared to other digital marketing strategies like PPC and SMM, it offers lasting benefits. Paid ads like PPC can drive immediate traffic to your business, but SEO typically takes a few months to yield visible results. The key difference is that SEO maintains your website’s ranking even after you stop using the service, whereas PPC ads disappear as soon as you stop funding them.

If your goal is to attract as many customers online as possible and sustain long-term traffic, SEO is the best strategy. It helps your brand achieve high rankings on search engines, building credibility and trust within the marketplace. Continue reading to discover how improved search rankings can benefit your gym.


SEO Results for Gyms

Gym owners face numerous challenges when trying to attract new members. Most people looking for a gym start with a Google search and typically contact the first few gyms that appear in the results. To increase the number of visitors to your fitness center, it’s crucial to secure a top position in these search results. SEO helps your website rank higher for search queries like ‘best gym near me,’ ‘total body workout,’ ‘ladies fitness,’ and many others.

From the provided screenshots, we can see the significant search volume and interest in gyms:

  1. Search Term Trends: The term ‘gym near me’ has shown consistent growth from 2004 to the present, indicating an increasing interest in finding local gyms. This trend is particularly strong in the US, Australia, and Canada.
  2. Keyword Difficulty and Volume: For the term ‘gym membership,’ the keyword difficulty is rated at 70, which is considered hard, indicating high competition. There are approximately 25K searches per month, with a global search volume of 47K. The top-ranking result for this keyword has significant traffic potential, estimated at 50K.
  3. Geographical Insights: The majority of search queries come from the United States (53%), followed by the United Kingdom (15%), Australia (6%), Canada (4%), India (2%), and Brazil (1%).


Implications for Gym Owners

This data highlights the vast number of potential visitors searching for gyms, emphasizing the importance of effective SEO strategies. With a successful SEO campaign, your gym website can achieve higher rankings on Google, increasing its visibility and attracting new members. Here’s how this can benefit your business:

  • Increased Visibility: By appearing in the top search results, your gym will be more visible to people actively looking for fitness centers.
  • Higher Traffic: Improved rankings lead to increased website traffic, as more people are likely to click on the top results.
  • Enhanced Credibility: High rankings on Google build trust and credibility with potential customers, making them more likely to choose your gym over competitors.

Incorporating these insights into your SEO strategy can help your fitness center stand out in a competitive market and attract a steady flow of new members. Keep reading to learn more about optimizing your gym’s online presence.


People Search Differently for Gyms

Keyword research is crucial for the successful SEO of your website. Attempting to rank for broad terms like ‘gym’ can be extremely challenging, especially for small businesses or those new to online promotion. Instead, focusing on more specific keywords that reflect your gym’s services or location can be more effective. For instance, people might search for ‘gym in London,’ ‘functional fitness,’ or ‘yoga classes.’ Choosing the right keywords is essential for your business because the more specific they are, the less competition you’ll face.

The provided screenshots reveal various popular search queries related to gyms:


Keyword Variations and Difficulty:

  • ‘Gym near me’ has a keyword difficulty (KD) of 86 and a search volume (SV) of 243K, making it highly competitive.
  • ‘Boxing gym near me’ has a KD of 24 and an SV of 30K, indicating it’s easier to rank for.
  • ‘Gym memberships near me’ shows a KD of 70 with an SV of 10K, which is moderately competitive.


Geographic and Service-Specific Keywords:

  • ‘24 hour gym near me’ has a KD of 9 and SV of 6.7K, reflecting a lower competition and niche market.
  • ‘Gold’s gym near me’ and ‘mma gym near me’ have KDs of 11 and 51 respectively, with relevant search volumes.


Specific Needs and Queries:

  • Queries like ‘gym with sauna near me’ (KD 4.8, SV 9.3K) and ‘gym with pool near me’ (KD 4.2, SV 8.1K) show that users search for specific amenities.
  • ‘Best gym near me’ has a KD of 61 and SV of 25K, indicating moderate competition and high interest.


Long-Tail Keywords:

  • Keywords like ‘who buys used gym equipment near me’ (KD 6, SV 300) and ‘where to buy gym clothes near me’ (KD 44, SV 90) show more specific search intents.


Formulating Effective SEO Strategies

Understanding and utilizing these keyword trends can significantly improve your SEO efforts. An SEO agency can help identify industry-specific keywords and integrate them into your website content. This approach will help your site achieve higher positions in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), attracting more potential clients.

Some of your potential clients may also form their queries as questions. For example, ‘how much are gym memberships near me’ (KD 66, SV 60) or ‘what is the best gym near me’ (KD 40, SV 50). By incorporating these question-based keywords, you can better address the specific needs of your audience, improving engagement and conversion rates.

By focusing on precise, service-oriented, and location-specific keywords, your gym can stand out in search results, driving more targeted traffic and ultimately growing your membership base. Keep reading to learn more about optimizing your gym’s online presence through effective SEO strategies.


Developing Effective SEO Strategies for Gyms

SEO algorithms are always evolving, making it challenging for fitness business owners to keep up. SEO expert Nina Baumann offers valuable advice on navigating these changes:

“Only a user-centered strategy is future-oriented. That is exactly what search engines want: Get the user the best search results. If it is useless for the user, it is useless for your business. Instead of trying to be smarter than the algorithm: Focus even more on creating awesome and useful content for your customers.” – Nina Baumann, Founder at Linkspiel

Even with this insight, handling SEO on your own can be daunting. Lengreo specializes in developing tailored SEO strategies for gyms, ensuring growth and visibility in this competitive sector. Our experienced SEO team creates custom strategies aligned with your business goals, leveraging a mix of digital channels to boost visibility, conversions, and revenue.


Key Elements of Our SEO Approach

1. Comprehensive Keyword Research and Strategy 

Our SEO experts conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the most effective strategies that will help your website rank on the first page of search results.


2. High-Quality Content Creation 

Engaging, SEO-optimized content is crucial for any SEO strategy. We employ the best practices to ensure your website attracts visitors and improves search engine rankings.


3. Strategic Link Building 

At Lengreo, we build backlinks from credible, high-quality websites to enhance your website’s authority and growth.


4. Focused Local SEO 

Local SEO is essential for attracting more clients to your gym. We develop and implement effective local SEO strategies to expand your customer base.


5. Advanced Technical SEO 

Our experts utilize innovative technical SEO tools to improve your website’s speed and search engine compatibility, ensuring higher rankings.


Partner with Lengreo for SEO Success

Standing out in the fitness industry requires effective SEO strategies. With Lengreo’s expertise, your gym can boost its online visibility, attract more potential members, and become a leader in your area.

Lengreo’s team of SEO specialists understands the unique challenges and opportunities within the fitness sector. We apply proven and innovative techniques to help our clients enhance their search engine rankings, increase website traffic, and grow their businesses. Contact us today to discover how we can help your gym succeed in the digital landscape.