Elevate Your Online Presence with America’s Premier SEO Gurus

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Targets we’ve achieved:
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Increased US Software Development Company's annually acquired clients by 400% *
Generated 50+ business opportunities for UK Architecture & Design Services Provider *
Reduced cost per lead by over 6X for Dutch Event Technology Company *
Reached out to 13,000 target prospects and generated 400 opportunities for Swiss Sports Tech Provider *
Boosted conversion rate of Ukrainian IT Company by 53.6% *
Sergii Steshenko
CEO & Co-Founder @ Lengreo

Dive into the wisdom and techniques that have elevated these SEO specialists to the forefront of the industry. From Rand Fishkin’s invaluable guidance to Viktor Bartak’s profound SEO knowledge, every expert on this list offers a distinct approach to mastering digital visibility. Whether your focus is on enhancing link profiles, refining content, or navigating through Google’s penalties, this compilation provides essential insights.

Seize the chance to benefit from the vast experience of the industry’s finest. Empower your site with the essence of organic search, guided by the top SEO luminaries in the USA. Amplify your site’s visibility, drive meaningful organic traffic, and surpass your competition. Prepare to secure your position at the pinnacle of search engine results, transforming your digital strategy with unparalleled expertise.

1. Viktor Bartak

1. Viktor Bartak

  • Specialization: SEO Consultancy, Content Marketing, and Growth Strategy
  • Experience: Over 15 years
  • LinkedIn Profile: /viktor-bartak/


Viktor Bartak, stands at the forefront of the SEO and content marketing realm with over 15 years of experience. Bartak has revolutionized the digital growth of various businesses with his mastery in SEO, crafting strategies that not only enhance online visibility but also drive significant organic traffic and sales. Not just any consultant, Bartak is recognized for his comprehensive approach, combining technical SEO prowess with content creation finesse, all driven by insightful analytics and creative thinking. His ability to tailor unique SEO strategies for each business has marked him as the go-to expert for transformative digital success.

2. Cyrus Shepard

2. Cyrus Shepard

  • Specialization: SEO Strategy
  • Experience: Working since 2009
  • LinkedIn: /cyrusshepard/


Cyrus Shepard, the master strategist at Zyppy, has dedicated years to developing SEO strategies that align seamlessly with brand objectives. His work involves a meticulous analysis that translates into effective, comprehensive SEO plans, enhancing a brand’s online presence and audience engagement. Shepard’s strategic vision ensures that businesses achieve sustained visibility and growth in the digital arena.

3. Glenn Gabe

3. Glenn Gabe

  • Specialization: SEO Algorithmic Updates and Penalty Recovery
  • Experience: Over 27 years
  • LinkedIn: /glenngabe/


Glenn Gabe of G-Squared Interactive stands as a pivotal figure in SEO, specializing in decoding algorithm updates and leading penalty recovery efforts. With over 27 years of experience, Gabe’s expertise in dissecting search engine algorithms and crafting bespoke recovery strategies has been instrumental in helping brands overcome digital hurdles. His approach not only aids in recovery but also equips businesses with the strength to thrive amidst the evolving SEO landscape, asserting a persistent and victorious online presence.

4. Michael King

4. Michael King

  • Specialization: Technical SEO and Content Strategy
  • Experience: Around 25 years
  • LinkedIn: /michaelkingphilly/


Michael King leads iPullRank with a remarkable blend of expertise in technical SEO and content strategy, drawing on 25 years of experience. His leadership has positioned iPullRank as a nexus of technology and creative marketing, offering services that elevate businesses in the digital realm. King’s unique ability to devise inventive solutions to technical challenges distinguishes him as an industry leader. A sought-after speaker and educator, King’s influence extends beyond the agency, enlightening both professionals and aspiring SEO experts on navigating the complexities of the digital world successfully.

5. Duane Forrester

5. Duane Forrester

  • Specialization: SEO and Content Planning 
  • Experience: Around 24 years
  • LinkedIn: /dforrester/


With approximately 24 years of experience, Duane Forrester of Yext stands out as a luminary in SEO and content planning. Forrester’s deep understanding of search engine algorithms has placed him at the forefront of the field, guiding Yext’s mission to simplify online presence management for businesses. His goal is to enhance internet discoverability for companies through innovative solutions, showcasing Yext’s commitment to blending technology with strategic SEO practices. Forrester’s vision drives the company’s pursuit of excellence, ensuring businesses achieve optimal online visibility.

6. Jenny Halasz

6. Jenny Halasz

  • Specialization: SEO Analytics
  • Experience: Over 20 years
  • LinkedIn: /jennyhalasz/


Jenny Halasz stands at the pinnacle of SEO analytics with JLH Marketing, transforming complex data into clear, actionable strategies. Her exceptional talent for data interpretation has made her a key figure in SEO analytics, providing businesses with insights that drive growth. JLH Marketing, under her guidance, specializes in distilling data into understandable formats for stakeholders, showcasing Jenny’s dedication to empowering clients with the knowledge to succeed. Her ability to convey complex concepts in an engaging manner shines through in her writings, speaking engagements, and educational sessions, making her a source of inspiration and learning in the SEO community.

7. Marie Haynes

7. Marie Haynes

  • Specialization: SEO Algorithm Updates and Google Penalty Recovery
  • Experience: Working since 2008
  • LinkedIn: /marie-haynes/


Marie Haynes, leading Marie Haynes Consulting, is acclaimed for her exceptional skill in navigating the treacherous waters of SEO penalties and algorithm updates. With a keen insight into Google’s intricate algorithms, Haynes has become the lifeline for brands facing penalties, guiding them back to SEO health and resilience. Her expertise offers a beacon of hope, ensuring that businesses not only recover from setbacks but also fortify their strategies against future challenges.

8. Andrew Shotland

8. Andrew Shotland

  • Specialization: Local SEO
  • Experience: Over 15 years
  • LinkedIn: /localseoguide/


Andrew Shotland is a distinguished name in local SEO, leading Local SEO Guide with a focus on boosting local businesses’ online visibility. His commitment to enhancing the presence of local enterprises in their respective markets has proven invaluable. With Local SEO Guide, Shotland devises strategic plans tailored to solidify a brand’s local footprint, ensuring businesses connect deeply with their communities and thrive amidst competition.

9. Julie Joyce

9. Julie Joyce

  • Specialization: Link Building
  • Experience: Over 19 years
  • LinkedIn: /juliejoyce/


Julie Joyce boasts nearly two decades of expertise in the intricate world of link building. Her approach is distinguished by a keen focus on tailored strategies that address the unique characteristics of each website, advocating for the power of quality over quantity. Joyce’s philosophy prioritizes the creation of high-value, organic links designed to deliver sustained benefits. As a regular contributor to Search Engine Journal and a respected voice at industry conferences, Joyce shares her deep knowledge and passion for effective link building, influencing the next generation of SEO professionals.

10. Rand Fishkin

10. Rand Fishkin

  • Specialization: Audience Intelligence and Keyword Research
  • Experience: Working since 2000
  • LinkedIn: /randfishkin/


Rand Fishkin, the brain behind SparkToro, is a beacon in the complex world of SEO, known for his innovative approach to audience intelligence and keyword research. Fishkin’s methodology dives deep into understanding customer behavior, unlocking patterns that enable targeted and effective SEO campaigns. His work doesn’t just aim to improve rankings; it seeks to align content with the audience’s needs and interests, paving the way for brands to navigate the digital landscape with precision and confidence.

11. Matt Cutts

11. Matt Cutts

  • Specialization: Engineering management, SEO, and scalable systems.
  • Experience: Over 20 years
  • LinkedIn: /mattcutts/


Matt Cutts, known for his tenure at Google as the head of the webspam team, has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of search engine optimization. His insights into Google’s algorithms and SEO best practices have guided countless professionals and businesses in optimizing their online content for better search visibility. Cutts has transitioned from enforcing Google’s guidelines to becoming an advocate for transparent and ethical SEO practices, sharing his wealth of knowledge to improve the web for both users and content creators.

12. Wil Reynolds

12. Wil Reynolds

  • Specialization: Search and SEO Consulting
  • Experience: Over 15 years
  • LinkedIn: /wilreynolds/


Wil Reynolds, the founder of Seer Interactive, is celebrated for his innovative approach to search strategy and SEO consulting. With more than 15 years at the helm, Reynolds has pioneered a methodology that places equal emphasis on the needs of search engines and the queries of users. This user-focused perspective has positioned Seer Interactive as a beacon of adaptability and foresight in the ever-evolving SEO landscape. Renowned for his engaging conference talks, Reynolds is dedicated to sharing the insights that have propelled Seer Interactive to success, demonstrating a commitment to both industry advancement and client success.

13. Ashley Berman Hale

13. Ashley Berman Hale

  • Specialization: Technical SEO
  • Experience: Over 20 years
  • LinkedIn: /ashleybermanhale/


Ashley Berman Hale is a revered figure in technical SEO, offering over two decades of unparalleled expertise. Her comprehensive approach to analyzing and optimizing websites’ technical structure has markedly improved their functionality and search engine visibility. Her focus on making technical SEO inclusive and accessible underscores her commitment to creating a web environment that serves a diverse audience, championing a more inclusive internet.

14. Brian Dean

14. Brian Dean

  • Specialization: Link-building and SEO Training
  • Experience: Around 12 years
  • LinkedIn: /brianedean/


Brian Dean, the visionary of Exploding Topics, has reshaped the SEO industry with his expertise in link-building and SEO education. Creator of the renowned ‘Skyscraper Technique,’ Dean has introduced a methodical approach to securing high-quality backlinks, elevating brands to the top of search engine results. His mission extends beyond mere optimization, aiming to empower businesses with the knowledge to master SEO, guiding them towards digital prominence with clarity and strategy.

15. Sandy Rowley

15. Sandy Rowley

  • Specialization: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Web Design
  • Experience: Around 23 years
  • LinkedIn: /seo-consultant-best/


Sandy Rowley is recognized for her innovative contributions to digital marketing and SEO strategy, spearheading successful campaigns that leverage the latest in search engine optimization techniques. Her expertise lies in crafting tailored strategies that boost online visibility and engagement, utilizing a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing trends to propel businesses forward. Rowley’s approach is deeply rooted in understanding client needs and market dynamics, making her services invaluable for those looking to enhance their digital footprint effectively.

16. Kevin Indig

16. Kevin Indig

  • Specialization: SEO for Startups
  • Experience: Around 12 years
  • LinkedIn: /kevinindig/


Kevin Indig has emerged as a specialist in SEO for startups, distinguishing himself with strategies that cater uniquely to emerging businesses. His insight into startups’ distinctive challenges and opportunities allows him to craft SEO solutions that maximize visibility while being resource-efficient. Indig’s strategies empower startups to carve out significant positions in the digital marketplace, demonstrating his knack for turning potential into success.

17. Danny Sullivan

17. Danny Sullivan

  • Specialization: SEO and SEM
  • Experience: Around 21 years
  • LinkedIn: /dannysullivan/


Danny Sullivan, a founding figure in the SEO journalism world, has been instrumental in demystifying search engine algorithms and SEO strategies for the broader public. His work has laid the foundation for much of today’s understanding of how search engines operate and how to engage with them effectively. Moving on to act as a liaison between Google and the SEO community, Sullivan continues to bridge the gap between search engine giants and the needs of website owners, ensuring that the ecosystem remains transparent, fair, and beneficial for all parties involved.

18. Andy Crestodina

18. Andy Crestodina

  • Specialization: Web Design and SEO
  • Experience: Working since 2000
  • LinkedIn: /andycrestodina/


Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media Studios marries the art of web design with the science of SEO, leveraging over two decades of experience to create websites that are both visually stunning and strategically optimized. His expertise in blending aesthetics with effective SEO practices has resulted in engaging online experiences that not only attract but convert visitors. Crestodina’s deep understanding of user experience principles informs his work, ensuring each project achieves a balance between form and function, setting a high standard for web design and SEO integration.


In the ever-changing SEO landscape, it’s the innovators and educators who lead the charge. These industry leaders, from diverse specializations, share a common trait: the ability to push boundaries and drive the SEO community forward. Their collective expertise ranges from deep data analytics to local SEO, technical optimization, and startup growth strategies, each contributing unique insights and methodologies. They stand as pillars of the SEO world, guiding businesses to success, shaping the minds of professionals, and sparking innovation at every turn. Their impact extends beyond immediate results, influencing the future direction of SEO and digital marketing at large.